USB 2.0 to UART Serial Converter + Cables
This module was developed to achieve the bi-directional conversion between USB to RS232 / RS485 / TTL serial in one board. Very useful for electronic engineering and hardware hacking.
Important Tips:
* TXD: signal sending terminal to be connected with RXD of another device by normal practice;
* RXD: signal receiving terminal to be connected with TXD of another device by normal practice.
To test whether the data transmitting between TXD and RXD works, simply do the loop back test by connecting the two terminals to each other.
* Main chip: CP2102,a virtual COM port will be generated after the driver is downloaded and activated;
* Power supply via USB: the interfaces include 3.3V, 5V, GND, TX, RX. Signal lead electrical level is 3.3V as positive logic;
* The on-board status indicator and signal indicator will be on after driver is installed and activated. The signal indicator will start blinking during transmitting, the higher baud rate, the lower the indicator brightness;
* Supporting baud rate from 300bps~1Mbps;
* Supporting signal format: a). 5,6,7,8 (data bit); b). 1, 1.5, 2 (stop bit); c). odd, even, mark, space, none(CKPT);
* Supporting system: windows vista/xp/server 2003/200,Mac OS-X/OS-9,Linux.
The device is a chipset from Silicon Labs known as CP210x. You can search for them online.
Feedback from Users:
* Inexpensive yet high quality - The price I paid for this was an excellent price. I wouldn't want to pay more, and I wouldn't expect to pay less. The PCB and assembly is high quality, and it includes jumper wires.
* Simple setup - You install the drivers from Silicon Labs, and then you plug it in. That's pretty much it. You can customize the com port settings once you've installed it.
* Ease of use - It essentially sets up a com port, so any serial port communication software will work with this.