Mabuchi FA-130 motor
This brushed Mabuchi FA-130 motor, known as Tamiya 9801112M motor, has a high heat resistance with great stability. Its operation voltage range is from 3.0VDC to 12.0VDC. It is used on robotic chassis and many other toys.
Basic specifications:
* Operating voltage: 3.0 ~12.0VDC
* 3V at no-load 4500-5000rpm
* 4.5V at no-load 5000-6000rpm
* 6V at no-load 6500-7500rpm
* 7.2Vat no-load 8000-9000rpm
* 9V at no-load 9000-11000rpm
* 12V at no-load 12000-14000rpm.
* Rated current at 6 V: about 0.15A